Arbor Day Tree Planting at ArborLinks

Dormie Network Foundation Supports Arbor Day Foundation By Planting Trees

We’re celebrating our neighbors at Arbor Day Farm in the best way possible, by planting trees. Help us celebrate: plant a tree, donate online.

In honor of Arbor Day Foundation's 50th anniversary, Dormie Network and GolfStatus are partnering to plant 100,000 trees in our nation’s forests. All donations will be matched by the Dormie Network Foundation, so every $1 donated plants two trees in our nation’s forests.

Donations Benefit Two Reforesting Initiatives in North Carolina

Just 5,000 trees remain in the Hoke Community Forest project, a mere 29 miles southeast of Dormie Club through Pinehurst. The forest provides a unique blend of conservation, recreation, and economic support for residents of Hoke County, and is currently made up of loblolly pine. 

The Arbor Day Foundation is helping community members restore it to its native state by planting more than 43,000 longleaf pine seedlings in 2022 and 2023. These planting sites will serve as an outdoor classroom for private landowners who wish to learn more about longleaf restoration, as well as protect endangered species like the red-cockaded woodpecker, indigo snake, and gopher tortoise.

But the problem is larger than just one forest. Once the dominant tree species in the South, longleaf pine has now dwindled to cover only small patches of land. That loss of ecosystem has been devastating to the nearly 600 animal and plant species that depend on it. 

To offset carbon emissions and build healthier communities in one of our favorite areas to golf, the Arbor Day Foundation is helping replant more than 400,000 longleaf pine trees throughout North Carolina. These trees will be planted across 18 different private lands to reduce forest fragmentation.


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